Youth Services
QCCA's youth service at the Dome youth and sports centre on Weedington Road is one of Camden's largest. It supports over 600 young people a year. All activities are free so that everyone has the chance to try things that will help them make friends, learn new skills and get fitter.
We run junior and senior youth clubs with separate sports activities for the two age groups (8 - 12 and 13 - 19), as well as girls only sessions. During school breaks we hold holiday camps with a hot meal for all. We like working in partnerships. Local youth charity GOALYC is a constant partner both in terms of thinking and support. In 2021, GOAL-YC and QCCA launched Off the Hook with the Metropolitan police - a programme where young people learn to box alongside local police and attend workshops that lead to AQA qualifications.
Our amazing youth staff are always available to help. Our youth workers are well qualified to offer mentoring and support to young people, and run workshops that will make sure that young people feel equipped to meet all their aspirations.
If you are a young person, please do pop in to get to know us! If you require immediate assistance, please contact us or any of the following vetted organisations for support: Useful contacts - 11-18 year old's mental health - Mind
T: 020 7267 6635
WhatsApp: 07362 458403

Our partners:
GOAL (Gospel Oak Action Link), funds a large proportion of the Youth Services. It was established in 1998 to provide services for disadvantaged young people in the London Borough of Camden. They aim to provide high quality opportunities for young people for informal learning and fun. GOAL also deliver programmes which support vulnerable young people including those who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). GOAL help all young people to make positive choices in their lives and to reach their full potential.